Garrison Fletcher posted 2 years ago in Feature Request

Website Changes - Home Page Button

"Home" button on menu / tab
I was on the site, and I then clicked on a member profile. Since it opened in the "same window", I was not able to get back to the main page. So I had to go to my dashboard again, to the group, then group website link. I think if a visitor came and looked at a member profile, they would not be able to get back to the "home" page of the group.
Seong Bae wrote 2 years ago
Hi Garrison, Can't they click the Back button in the browser to go back to the group home page? Seong
Garrison Fletcher wrote 2 years ago
Yes. That is an option, though I believe many people are visual. Maybe an easy alternative would be to have this link open in a NEW window. This way they are still on our page, and have the information to look at in a new window.

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