Garrison Fletcher posted 2 years ago in Feature Request

Website Changes - Additional Tabs

Additional Tabs for website
I want to add additional "tabs" or pages to the site. Currently it is just a 1 page web page. Can we get more options?

I was able to determine that I can add HTML code to the text and made some new "sections" with a bolder and larger font which works, however there is no "tab" at the top to have them "link" to that portion of the page.
Seong Bae wrote 2 years ago
Hi Garrison, You cannot add additional tabs yourself. The way the page is designed, any changes we make will impact all the other groups. Seong
Garrison Fletcher wrote 2 years ago
I understand that completely. Though I do not see how having a "home" button (tab) on everyones group page would be a problem. currently EVERYONE that selects one of the members will be taken to that page and away from the group page (since it opens in the SAME window currently). So the 2 easy options could be to 1) ad a home tab, 2) open the individual members page in a "New window".

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