Revenue without Referral

We are really struggling with the inability to log revenue without referrals being created. Really wish we had more flexibility to report things without prior pre-requisites being met. Our members may have ongoing business with other members, but having to log a referral every time just doesn't make sense nor is it efficient (for example, someone who cuts hair for group members).

How are the rest of you handling this? Do you really log leads and referrals for every transaction?
Garrison Fletcher wrote 4 months ago
Our group has several members that do a regular type of transaction like you mention. Mary Kay, Supplements, Haircuts, Massage. What they have done is to create a referral (Say Massage). Then when someone gets a massage, they can go back to this same referral over and over again, and just add more revenue earned. As I recall, when you do the "report" to show revenue earned, and you sort by date... it will include any payments made in that period. We discourage adding a referral just to add a referral for an ongoing or regular monthly type of payment. I hope this helps.
Nathan Kull wrote 4 months ago
I do see this now, this is a little better knowing we can continue to log revenue against the same referral. Thanks!

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